2019 Event Reports

Use the dropdown list below to jump to the event review you want to read.

EATOC Breakfast Run by Giles Cooper

The morning of the Breakfast Run was a bit overcast but no major rain was forecast until the middle of the afternoon, So with that in mind I set off in the Tiger to go and do the run.

I had previously arranged with Griff that if time permitted I would meet up at his house and then go on with them. For once everything ran to time and I was able to do so.

After arriving at Griff's we had a quick chat and then headed over to Dent's Cafe, rather confusingly half the signage refers to Dent's but then when you get to the carpark the sign on the gate states 'Baytree Garden Centre', Baytree took over the running a few months ago but it appears that the sign contractor hasn't been called yet.

We arrived to find a lot of cars had already arrived and more turned up as the morning went on and it got closer to the 09:30 ordering time.

Once we knew we could order everyone shot inside and started placing orders for breakfast - this is the only point at which Tiger owners are actually quiet - when they are eating, in fact Tiger owners are very like domestic cats (I will leave it up to you to work which are the best analogies).

After breakfast we then had the run out. As we had 17 cars there were too many to have just one group and so Griff led out the first batch and I led the second.

As we left the Cafe it was cold and a bit overcast but dry. This didn't last long, the route initially headed south to Southery and then across to Feltwell - the roads there were pretty bad and so I didn't. We then went on to Weeting and up the A1065, at this point it started to rain, just a little bit, by the time we got to the Mundford roundabout it was raining steadily. I was trying to keep the cars behind me in view but as it is difficult with the spray to keep yourself on the road it is a lot harder to try and keep everyone else in check.

The worst bit of the journey had to be the flooded road in Great Massingham, where first the passenger side wheel hit a massive puddle coming over the front of the car, then the drivers side hit a bigger one and ended up flooding the car (and the driver).

Still we finally made it - albeit soaked through to Sandringham where we could get parked up and have a brief respite from the weather.

Despite what Mr Griffin will tell you it might be a great route on a dry summer's day but on a very wet April day it wasn't the best ride I have had in the Tiger.

I left fairly early from Sandringham as I didn't want to get too warm and dry or it would put me off getting back into a cold wet car.

When I got back to Peterborough the roads were dry but 5 minutes after parking the rain had followed me and it started raining here as well.

David Fiske's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper

Kevin Greeves MK Indy
Picture: Giles Cooper

Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper

Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper

Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper

Martin Pidd's Westfield
Picture: Giles Cooper

Dom Eaves' Westfield
Picture: Giles Cooper

Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper

Dave Sneesby's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper

Mike Finch's Tiger Super 6
Picture: Giles Cooper

Angus Grooby's Marlin
Picture: Giles Cooper

Tony Haggie's Morgan
Picture: Giles Cooper

Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper

Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Picture: Giles Cooper

Simon Noble's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper

Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper

Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper

Jim Danks' Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper

Simon Light's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper

Group of Tigers
Picture: Giles Cooper

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Tulip Navigation Run by Rachel Collins

When at the Planning meeting in January, it was announced that there was to be another Tulip Navigation Route again in 2019, Griff said, straight away, I am not doing that with Rachel. His loss and Kevin Greeves gain.  Kev & I completed it successfully in 2018. 
So we booked to do it again together

After a fabulous breakfast, instructions were given out.  Giles had changed the format slightly this year, as last year, all the cars set off together and probably followed each other.  This year, some cars turned left and others right from the car park and staggered a little, so cars could not follow each other (no worries, after 2 miles, the route was exactly the same)

Kev & I were near the end to vacate the car park, a slight hiccup, he said, I can't get the trip to work, so we pulled over, he fiddled with the switches. Set off again, yet again, nothing recorded. I said, no worries, I can do maths, so I will add the miles to the starting mileage but we will have to guess, if the miles between the 2 points is 2.5 miles.  Third time, lucky, he managed to get it to work.  So we set off and I just concentrated as I am not familiar with the roads in that area around Peterborough. 

Coming into Spalding, the instruction was to cross the bridge after 2 miles but a few cars crossed the first bridge, which was 1 mile from the previous point. I just kept my concentration as I thought I was right and tried not to worry about the other cars.  Yep, we were on the right road, heading towards A17, now I am on familiar roads,  When approaching Sutton Bridge, I was praying that the Swing Bridge was not open as this would have been a major hold up or alternatively, we would have to miss a chunk out. 

Luckily for Kev, I could have re routed us, back on track to Wisbech.  Great news, the bridge was closed (which means the road is open for traffic)  Turning off, the A17 we gather some speed and I was worried at that point as I thought my weight was causing the car to ground out but in fact, it was the bump stops hitting. Oops travelling along the road near Walpole St Peter, I saw the back end of Angus Grooby's car parked at a angle in the hedge row, at this point, I thought that him & Suzy had run off the road, however, he had parked in a gateway as David Sneesby & Lorraine Hodgson had broken down at the side of the road.  

Kev jumped out to see if he could be of assistance, it was slightly more serious, David could not get the gears.  We waited with them, whilst he called the AA and heard that they would be recovered.  Others stopped too. We set off and headed back to Wisbech and out the other side. Hurtling along the bank at Throckenhholt, I thought, he will slow down, knowing that there is a 90 degree corner approaching but nope, he was unaware about the sharpness of the corner and we overshot it, onto a farm track. He swiftly apologises and asked if I was all OK.  I now know that I must alert Kev, if I am familiar with the road and he isn't, about the tight corners!

On arrival, at the final point, Waterside Garden Centre, Kev said, there is no orange car here, he was referring to Griff. Not panicked by it, I was just happy that we had completed the route.  Both Giles and John Aylward, come striding over, to say Griff is LOST, ha ha, To be fair, at this point, I was more interested in finding the toilet and not listening to them.  After the comfort break, I then chatted with Giles, to find out that they had ended up in Bourne, Giles had to put them back on the right route, by giving them information to get to Spalding. Eventually, all the cars rolled in except for Griff & Neil, we went for coffee and cake, yet again, a great place.  

At last, they arrive!  Griff had the cheek to say to me, did we complete all the route correctly as I was familiar with 3 quarters of it.  

Yes, we completed all the correct roads Griff. Kev listens when I say straight over or 3rd exit off!

Line up of Tigers
Line up of Tigers
Picture: Giles Cooper
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Kevin Greeves MK Indy
Kevin Greeves MK Indy
Picture: Giles Cooper
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super 6
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super 6
Picture: Giles Cooper
John Aylward's TVR Chimera
John Aylward's TVR Chimera
Picture: Giles Cooper
Richard Gaze's C-Max
Richard Gaze's C-Max
Picture: Giles Cooper
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dave Sam's Tiger R6
Dave Sam's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Chris Davison's Triumph MX-5
Chris Davison's Triumph MX-5
Picture: Giles Cooper
Paul Seaton's Maxda MX-5
Paul Seaton's Maxda MX-5
Picture: Giles Cooper
Line up of Cars
Line up of Cars
Picture: Giles Cooper

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Stoneleigh Kit Car Show by Paula Tuck

Stoneleigh has become tradition but this year we knew it wasn't going to be the same as the Tiger pitch had moved and Tiger weren't going to be there. We had already been advised of the new location by the gang and when we arrived it wasn't quite where we expected the new pitch to be, but the flags were in and this was home for the next few days. We were centre attraction in the ring. Which was greatly appreciated as it gave us some protection from the four seasons, we experienced over the next 2 days.

It has now become tradition that Steve drives the Kit Car and I drive the van. This year it was a particularly good idea as it was loaded with firewood and we would be needing this with the cold nights. With our tent duly set up and the fire pits alight we were set for the night.

After a lovely curry we headed over to AB Performance for a few beers and a dance to 12Bore. Great hospitality and a chance to mingle with our fellow campers. I learnt a few new dance moves and words it turns out.
After a frosty night in the tent we were pleased to hear our fellow Tigers arriving the next morning and it was a great turn out on the Saturday. Our new pitch was much more welcoming as there was no kerb to encounter.

It's always great to meet EATOC members, potential new members and enthusiasts, share stories and advice. Oh and of course compare engines!!. No two kit cars are the same which is why this show is unique when you see so many cars together. There is always so much to see at Stoneleigh, although I have to say I was disappointed with the number of exhibitors this year.

With much chatter, exploring and oh I forgot to mention a photo shoot (keep a lookout in Complete Kitcar) , Saturday went really quick. Another lovely evening spent round the fire pits wearing all the clothes we brought with us to keep warm and toasting marshmallows. Great fun.

Sunday was a quieter day with a few less Tigers. After a few circuits of the show it was time to pack up.

Stoneleigh is a great place to meet like minded petrolheads. Opportunity to share ideas, tips and problem solving. Was a great weekend, full of fun with some great friends.

Or for an alternative view...

Stoneleigh Kit Car Show by Rachel Collins

I always regard that the event at Stoneleigh kicks off the start of the Tiger calendar. However, this year, I was a little apprehensive on how the National Kit Car Show would be. As I had noticed that the attendance in previous years had been in decline, then hearing that part of Stoneleigh Park had been compulsory purchased for the HS2 link. which in effect ,had taken a large portion of the car pitches plus, also reading/hearing that quite a few manufacturers would not be attendance, due to the ever spiralling costs.

Having received the CKC magazine Show Guide , it was noted that the Tiger pitch had been moved to the opposite side of the avenue as to where we have been for years, no worries, at least, it was easy to find. To which we would be sharing the pitch with our friends North West Kit Car Owners Group. Not a problem, as we all get along fabulously, so in theory, more memories to be made. Their leader, had posted on Facebook, the pitch 51A was allocated to them and therefore, Tiger were homeless. Not very happy with this, I contacted Grosvenor Show directly and asked them to clarify the position of where the Tiger pitch was, this was on the Wednesday, we were arriving at the show on Saturday. Yep, told, we were sharing with NWKCOG on 51A. As apparently, no one had booked the Tiger pitch !! Don't panic, I was told, it would be sorted for the weekend.

Usual pattern for us, to go in convoy with some of the club members, who were camping there for the weekend. Our decision, was to get there for 12 noon, so that we had time to set up camp and enjoy the camaraderie of our fellow members. On arrival at Stoneleigh Park, we were met with the Harris Fencing screening off the right hand part of the park, we all duly trundled to the pitch (3 van and 3 cars) however, we arrived on what we thought was our pitch, there was already a marque erected there and a disgruntled man looking fiercely at us, that we had turned up adjacent to his marque. It transpired that our pitch was not there. So off the men went off in search of Tiger pitch, whilst the man looked at us ladies, disgruntled. Soon the men returned and said that we were in the show ring. Moving on, it seemed to make the man happy. However, it was noted there was not a pitch for the NWKCOG. Soon their leader arrived and like us, went to the pitch 51A, he spotted us guys as he thought he would be adjacent to the Tiger pitch. No sign had been erected for them. He was soon in contact with the organisers and they came out to him. The leader (Trevor Harmer) was very polite and showed the organisers the booking forms for both NWKCOG and Tiger. Words were exchanged and it would appear the organisers had a hard time trying to accommodate all the pitches. They took him off in their 4 x 4 but soon returned, with the organisers ripping up the placard for the Minis. NWKCOG were now adjacent to us again, both them and us posted the details on facebook. 

It did appear that the weather was not going to be so kind to us this year, with dark clouds rolling over. Whilst strolling around the park, many comments were made on how the buildings/toilet blocks were in a very poor state of affairs and how few people were camping there. Was this the cooler weather putting people off or has the show, become stale and people were staying away.

Saturday night entertainment provide by AB Performance was a good laugh, free beer and soon Paula Tuck, had pulled a man (a great Uncle Albert lookalike) . The evening was cold and I felt sorry for the guys sleeping in the tents but they said, that they had numerous sleeping bags/duvets with them to combat the climate. After an eternity, I fell off to sleep after listening to Griff snoring but he was not alone that evening, listening to other campmates on Sunday morning, most of them were moaning about all the snoring!

Sunday in previous years has been the best day and yet again, it was . It was very noticeable that the exhibition halls were only half full and many manufacturers were absent, together with the lack of outdoors stalls. 
Loads of cars left Sunday evening , not returning on the Monday, loads of camping spaces too. Monday was somewhat of a graveyard experience. The Tiger pitch had packed up and was empty by 3 pm, this being early for us.
In my view, other than the Westfield pitch, Tiger which had 42 cars parked there on the Sunday and NWKCOG pitch, had the most cars parked on them.

Will the Kit Car Show survive ? Somehow, I don't think so at Stoneleigh Park, maybe, its time for the organisers to try and re invent the show, by moving it to Newark Showground. A fabulous show ground with good transport links from all parts of the country.

I believe the only reason why Griff & I keep attending, is the fact that some of EATOC group camp over the weekend, which makes a great weekend of laughter and chat.

Tiger Parking Area
Tiger Parking Area
Picture: Paula Tuck
Live Band at AB Performance
Live Band at AB Performance
Picture: Paula Tuck
Taken from the CKC Photoshoot
Taken from the CKC Photoshoot
Picture: Paula Tuck
Taken from CKC Photoshoot
Taken from CKC PhotoshootOwners at rest - or hung over?
Picture: Paula Tuck
GTM Owners Club
GTM Owners Club
Picture: Paula Tuck
Tiger Parking Area
Tiger Parking Area
Picture: Paula Tuck
Modified Car
Modified Car
Picture: Paula Tuck
Owners at rest - or hung over?
Owners at rest - or hung over?
Picture: Paula Tuck
EATOC Members or Macbeth Actors?
EATOC Members or Macbeth Actors?
Picture: Paula Tuck

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Stradsett Park Vintage Rally by Giles Cooper

Now as you know from reading the previous reports, Tiger decided this year to go to this event rather than Stoneleigh. I on the other hand haven't gone to Stoneleigh for years as I got bored with it and so I decided to go to Stradsett with them instead.

The day started off relatively dry and bright (after the Saturday rain that was a relief), and my journey took me via Jim's house and onto the show venue. The journey was mostly uneventful - apart from Jim's MGA getting a broken fuel filler cap (fortunately he had enough fuel to get there and back), and we ended up following a car with two motorbikes on a trailer into the Showground. We found out a little later that the car belonged to a Mr Fiske…

Tiger were allocated a large display area - by large we mean about 60 x 10m - There was enough room for the lorry with the full awning extended (a lot of you will never have seen this but the awning is big enough to get 6 Tigers underneath. So even bringing this, 2 Avons, 2 MK1 Escorts, MGA, 6 classics for sale, my Cat and Andy Dunn's Avon, there was still room for a lot more. Paul actually asked for the organisers to reduce the size to stop it looking too empty.

There should have been another Tiger on the stand - Simon Light's R6 but unfortunately a scheduling conflict meant he couldn't get to the show in time so his car had to stay in the public car park instead.

So what was there to see - well if you liked tractors there were hundreds, from little lawn tractors right the way to huge more modern equipment, probably about a 100 motorbikes, loads of classic cars, classic lorries, steam engines and multiple display areas with a good selection of trade stands. Some of the trade stands well selling interesting items (see the pictures)

There were live tractor pulling events, a ploughing contest an area devoted to stationary engines - I'm not sure what the appeal of watching a pump move water from one container to another is but the owners of these seem to enjoy it, Miniature steam engines and collections of assorted bygones and farm equipment also were present.

Now we were positioned opposite the main display ring, where there was an almost non-stop run of various agricultural machinery, all compered by a man with a broad Norfolk accent - who could have gone on Mastermind with a specialist subject of Classic Tractors - he either had huge quantities of briefing notes or was the biggest tractor nerd in the county. He was also obsessed that nobody should paint old tractors.

The good news for Tiger is that during the course of Sunday they had loads of people coming up and looking at the cars with some very keen on the classics for sale (the two Viva estates and the A40 certainly had some interest) and quite a lot of people interested in getting work done on cars that they already owned.

So to sum up. It was a good day, there is plenty to keep everyone occupied and it is well worth going to. Although it does help if you like tractors!

MGA For Sale
MGA For Sale
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tiger Display
Tiger Display
Picture: Giles Cooper
Vauxhall Viva for Sale
Vauxhall Viva for Sale
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tiger Avon
Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tiger Avon
Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Working on the chain gang?
Working on the chain gang?
Picture: Giles Cooper
Small Tractor with diddy tractor
Small Tractor with diddy tractor
Picture: Giles Cooper
Ford Tractor
Ford Tractor
Picture: Giles Cooper
Early Tiger (Super Six model tractor)?
Early Tiger (Super Six model tractor)?
Picture: Giles Cooper
Traction Engine
Traction Engine
Picture: Giles Cooper
Damiler SP250 Dart
Damiler SP250 Dart
Picture: Giles Cooper
Toyota MR-2 Mk1
Toyota MR-2 Mk1
Picture: Giles Cooper
Early Tractor (the container is for water)
Early Tractor (the container is for water)
Picture: Giles Cooper
Lawn Tractors
Lawn Tractors
Picture: Giles Cooper
How do you restore a spade?
How do you restore a spade?
Picture: Giles Cooper

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EATOC Norfolk Run by Giles Cooper

Arriving at Tiger we knew there was going to be a hole in the run out - due to personal reasons Griff and Rachel couldn't make this one, I only found out about this the night before so suddenly it was Giles sort out the full route!

Oh well, here we go….

Now normally the arrival at Tiger is uneventful as it basically involved us lot blocking up Anglia way so that nobody else can get down the road. This time we ended up with 18 cars down the road. However for a couple of owners it was a bit more eventful, Tony and Liz had been attacked by a pheasant which put a crack in the windscreen and scattered feathers across both the owners and the inside of the car. But the birds hadn't finished Rachel (although not going on the run had turned up to see everyone off) remarked that a bird had pooped on my car - I didn't think it was a big deal - it must have been an eagle as I had bird poo on both rear wings, roll bar, rear cover and the seats. I had to borrow some upholstery cleaner from Paul to get it clean enough to drive as I didn't want to spend the day sitting in that. As normally Griff leads out on these runs we gave the ‘honour' to Andy Dunn and I opted for tail end duty. However just as we were leaving Adrian Spriggs lost his keys - they were found a few minutes later in his sunglasses case. (Possibly an award nomination?).

Onto the drive…

The worst road on the first section was a really rough road to Mildenhall from Welney Wash where it isn't possible to get above 40 miles an hour. Here I suffered a problem as the road was so bad it vibrated the screws holding the rear view mirror to the dashboard loose, so I had to contend with a mirror flopping about. There was also a sign at the end of the road - this will be resurfaced at the end of May, so by the time you all read this then the work will have been completed. Other things that I found out when we got to the lunch stop - a few satnavs lost signal and refused to work for a few miles - bit strange as it was more than one, and my Garmin ran perfectly all day. And there were several different routes taken, most of which avoided the ford just before lunch, I didn't and went through a little quick as it was deeper than when we did the recce so the car got soaked. There were also several stretches on the road where it had either rained just before we got there or looked like it was going to - but we missed all the showers.

We all made it to the lunch stop about an hour earlier than planned - fortunately rather than sit around the staff at The Stag got us seated early so we weren't waiting around too long. So after a good lunch we all set off for the an Afternoon tea stop at Fakenham.

Now something interesting happened here, when we got to Dereham I was at the back of the queue with just one car (Angus) behind me. We came to a set of traffic lights / railway crossing and all the lights were against me so we lost sight of the people in front. So I followed my Satnav and then came out of the end of Brisely to find Dom Eaves behind me! Not sure what happened there. However we all got to the Fakenham Driving range where we had arranged for cake and coffee - all you need to get content Tiger owners is point them in the direction of a cake shop… So we all sat outside eating cake and talking rubbish. Nobody was that bothered about going back to the Sainsbury fuel stop so the run effectively ended here and we all scattered off home by the most direct route.

One final note - Paula decided that she would prefer to take a cake home rather than eat it there. So the owners very generously gave her a plate and it was carefully placed under the dashboard of the car. Remarkably it made it back from Fakenham to Huntingdon in one piece (both the cake and the plate) I think they must have a softer suspension setup than I do..

Emergency Mirror Repair
Emergency Mirror Repair
Picture: Giles Cooper
Neil Whitehead's Tiger Cub
Neil Whitehead's Tiger Cub
Picture: Giles Cooper
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Steve Quenby's Mazda MX-5
Steve Quenby's Mazda MX-5
Picture: Giles Cooper
John Aylward's Tiger Aviator
John Aylward's Tiger Aviator
Picture: Giles Cooper
Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dave Sams' Tiger R6
Dave Sams' Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Martin Pidd's Westfield
Martin Pidd's Westfield
Picture: Giles Cooper
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Picture: Giles Cooper
Simon Light's Tiger R6
Simon Light's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Picture: Giles Cooper
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super 6
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super 6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dom Eaves' Westfield
Dom Eaves' Westfield
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tony Haggie's Morgan
Tony Haggie's Morgan
Picture: Giles Cooper
Morgan V Pheasant - who one?
Morgan V Pheasant - who one?
Picture: Giles Cooper
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Picture: Giles Cooper

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Merlins and Motors by Dom Eaves

We first talked of returning to East Kirkby last year after we visited on way back from the CKC magazine open day, the Lancaster was not in a running condition at the time, 

Having a chat amongst friends the original plan was to visit the Bubble car Museum and then go on to the Aviation Museum, we then thought about expanding the group so I reached out to Rachel and Griff and they thought would be a good trip. Sorting dates between the East Anglian Kit Car Club and East Anglian Tigers Owners Club, May 25th seemed to be only date that fitted in with both clubs, I then contacted both museums to sort out and it came to light that there was an open day on 25th at Lincolnshire Aviation Museum. So the plan took another turn, there seemed to be a bit of interest so I started to make enquiries, talking to Andrew Panton at the Museum he was very helpful and agreed for us to be parked inside the fence, and there was a reduced rate.

Looking at what would be a good meeting place we arranged for us to meet at the Anglia Motel Café at Holbeach, to leave at 8.30, when I arrived most people were already there tucking into Breakfast.

We set off on time , leaving with 15 cars I picked a route that we could all try to stay together, on the way to the museum we picked up a further 3 cars, we arrived at the museum and were given a good area on the tarmac, we set up a gazebo and chairs, then everyone drifted off to have a look round,

We had arrived early enough so we got to see 3 taxi runs from the Lancaster “Just Jane” and 2 taxi runs from the Mosquito, I believe this was its first public display with both engines running, the sound of 6 Merlin's during the day was impressive, anyone who says it wasn't can't have a soul, during the day we also had displays from some tanks which also did firing demos. There was a fair bit to see and stalls if you fancied a Uniform or a badge, there were a lot of people wandering about in uniforms of various ranks and even a few German re-enactors. it was a nice warm day so everyone was relaxed and had a chat, 

We left about 4.45 and had a quiet run home, some of us stopped for a meal on the way home.

Car lined up in the Museum
Car lined up in the Museum
Picture: Dom Eaves
Aircrew getting ready
Aircrew getting ready
Picture: Dom Eaves
6 Merlins ready to start
6 Merlins ready to start
Picture: Dom Eaves
People on a Tank
People on a Tank
Picture: Dom Eaves
EAKCC Members
EAKCC Members
Picture: Dom Eaves
Mosquito being prepared for taxi run
Mosquito being prepared for taxi run
Picture: Dom Eaves
Lined up outside a cafe
Lined up outside a cafe
Picture: Dom Eaves
Don't Ask!
Don't Ask!
Picture: Dom Eaves
Lancaster with some EAKCC members blocking the view....
Lancaster with some EAKCC members blocking the view....
Picture: Dom Eaves

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Kitfest at Santa Pod by Mandy Spriggs

Well the weather forecast wasn't brilliant, but we are Tiger Owner's, so we don't let a little detail like that stop us.

We set off, Adrian in Tiger, me in Valerie (our VW T5) for Peterborough Services, where we arranged to meet Dave, and Lorraine. You would be forgiven in thinking it was a bank holiday weekend, as services was that busy. Dave had decided not to bring Tiger, as he would not be able to resist taking it down Santa Pod strip. We set off on our journey. Not long in, the weather changed, the rain came down, on the A605. I couldn't help smiling, as I was in the dry, in the van. It crossed my mind if Adrian, had wished he had left Tiger at home, but that was not even an option, nothing much stops him!!

We arrived at Santa Pod, around 3pm, and set up our home for the next couple of days, this was made official as the EATOC flag up, and flying proud . Richard Gaze arrived not longer after this. I'm sure he must of smelt the coffee. He had his mate, Richard with him, I thought this is going to get confusing, so we called him Manse, apparently his nickname. He was a great bloke, and fitted into group well. The last to arrive was Kevin Greaves, so our group was complete.

In the evening, we gathered around under, Dave, and Lorraine's Gazebo. The fun was flowing, as was the laughter. As was a few drinks. Trevor Harmer, came across to give the men, passes, to take their cars in to hard standing, all weekend. Also informed them, booking in was taken around 8am for race, what you bring. Kevin was only 1 to be up for this. Which we all knew he would, as we know Kevin, likes his track days. We all retired for the night about half 10, to be fresh for the next day.

 We awoke had our breakfast. Then men took cars, and EATOC flag round to hard standing, apart from Kevin, who went in queue, for the race what you brought. Michael Ramsdale had arrived by now. We followed around , a gentle walk. Just in time to see Kevin, go down for 1st run. We then noticed, Griff, and Rachel waving at us. They had brought Jack with them, a friend from Holland. He was a lovely man, very tall. When John Aylward arrived with son Alex. Jack was even taller than John! We was then joined by Steve Tuck. We sat watching the runs. The jet car, the noise was unbelievable, you could feel it through your chest. This was great to see. Still ringing in Jack's ears I believe.

When we were in Wales Adrian turned 50, so I thought it would be nice to get him a cake. We all retired back to campsite, for coffee, and cake. Griff, Rachel, and Jack left us around 3.30pm. So we headed back to watch some more runs. Kevin's clutch was slipping, so afraid he didn't win his runs. Our own Simon Light, I'm afraid to report was beaten by Trevor. After the last run, we headed back, cars, flag, and all to the campsite.
Simon Light was staying with us for the night. He pitched his tent, and Gazebo over his car. We again settled under Gazebo for night of humour. The rain was coming in a little, so Kevin, and Adrian held umbrellas. I noticed my leg was getting wet, so asked Adrian to swap places with me. He seemed very happy with this. The reason being, I had to hold the umbrella, something I never get quite right. After sitting there quite happily under the umbrella, Kevin, who was on the left to me, suddenly jumped up, as said not quite in these words, (wouldn't of been printable) Mandy I'm really wet. The reason for this was I was lovely, and dry under the umbrella. What I had even thought about, was the tip of the umbrella was pointing down Kevin's back, so it had been dripping down his back. For a little while, and eventually on his chair so he had got a very wet back, and bottom. Well I apologised, through laughing, started to giggle even as I'm typing this. This was to provide us with fits of laughter, even Kevin, bless him. We all had sore stomachs from laughing. Sorry again Kevin.
 We retired to bed, to do all the fun again on Sunday.

Sunday morning Mike Finch, and Frank arrived in their Tigers. We were packing things away, as the weather forecast wasn't very good. Mike and Frank helped do this. So we got Gazebo, tents, and our awning all packed away, in the dry, in no time. It's TRUE what they say, many hands make light work. Seriously thanks for your help. . We all headed back round, cars, and flag. There had been weather had been a little rain, so the drag strip had to dry out. This took quite some time, but was worth waiting around for, as jet car, and jet split screen pick up went down. I am pleased to report Adrian, and me had purchased ear defenders Lorraine was using Oscar's their grandson.You could still feel it through your chest. Ours will come in useful, as we have both decided, we would like to go back to Santa Pod when the high octane cars are there. There was about 4 more runs of cars then rain came again, even harder. This is when we decided to call it a day, so we all headed off home. I am pleased to say we didn't get any rain on our journey home.

Well just want to round off by thanking everyone, for a great weekend. Even if we did cut our holiday short to be able to go, it was worth it.

Trevor Harmer should be very proud of himself, pleased Kitfest, was well attended. After all his hard work had paid off!

How not to put up a flag
How not to put up a flag
Picture: Mandy Spriggs
Picture: Mandy Spriggs
This is how you put up a flag
This is how you put up a flag
Picture: Mandy Spriggs
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Picture: Mandy Spriggs
Simon Lights R6 with its own tent
Simon Lights R6 with its own tent
Picture: Mandy Spriggs
Ford Escort MK1
Ford Escort MK1
Picture: Mandy Spriggs
Ford Escort MK1
Ford Escort MK1
Picture: Mandy Spriggs
Picture: Mandy Spriggs

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EATOC Lincolnshire Run by Giles Cooper

It was decided that for the Lincolnshire run this year we would re-use the route from the navigation run in 2018 - It needed a few tweaks but was mostly usable. So it got booked and then a couple of weeks before I noticed that the same date was Werrington Carnival - as we were due to leave by 10ish hopefully we wouldn't cause any issues.

We still had 17 cars turn up and a bit of a parking problem, but hopefully I got away with it.

Once everyone had arrived, been fed and watered (owners and cars) we could set off, now I would like to say it was uneventful but another article explains that was not to be. Still all of us arrived for Lunch at the Gap Inn although one car drove past the entrance twice until I ran out to tell them where to park. 

We also had someone who lived a few houses from the Gap Inn, notice a few Tigers arriving (as he had just bought one). That was it he left a few minutes later as a signed up club member - we don't let an opportunity like that go to waste.

After lunch we headed on the back half of the run at this point my satnav had a little fit, and redirected me back through Grantham - strange but we got to the end without any difficulties and all of us enjoyed drinks and cake at Van Hage.

Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Stephen Jones' Tiger Avon
Stephen Jones' Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Picture: Giles Cooper
Jonh Aylward's Tiger Aviator
Jonh Aylward's Tiger Aviator
Picture: Giles Cooper
Simon Noble's Photobombed Tiger R6
Simon Noble's Photobombed Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super 6
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super 6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dave Sneesby's Tiger R6
Dave Sneesby's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Picture: Giles Cooper
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tony Haggie's Morgan
Tony Haggie's Morgan
Picture: Giles Cooper
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
EATOC Members refusing to speak to each other
EATOC Members refusing to speak to each other
Picture: Giles Cooper
Neil Whitehead's Tiger Cub
Neil Whitehead's Tiger Cub
Picture: Giles Cooper
Martin Horspole's Fisher Fury
Martin Horspole's Fisher Fury
Picture: Giles Cooper
Lined up at the Pub
Lined up at the Pub
Picture: Giles Cooper
Lined up at the Pub
Lined up at the Pub
Picture: Giles Cooper
Martin Baker (newest member at the time)'s Tiger Avon
Martin Baker (newest member at the time)'s Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper

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EATOC Fish and Chip Run by Giles Cooper

Or the how not to do a navigation run.

Well back in the cold and wet of January we decided to change the fish and chip run this year. For the last few years we had been going to Southwold and this year we decided on a change to go instead to Sea Palling on the Norfolk coast.

Moving on 6 months or so and the route is prepared and people are agreeing to come along.

Then on the day we hit a problem - it is the warmest day of the year so far, and we are going to the coast for fish and chips. Traffic could be an issue.

After we all arrived at Tiger we were getting ready to leave when it was discovered that the A47 between Wisbech and Kings Lynn was blocked up, I can't remember if it was an accident or just heavy traffic. No matter Griff decided that we should go via Downham Market, past Arbuckles and then up to the A47 and back to the carpenters arms to pick up Richard Gaze, then we would continue on the original route to Sea Palling.

We get off in two groups Griff leading one and Adrian Spriggs leading the second, I was at the back acting as the catcher for any lost drivers. From my point of view it all went well, we got to the pub and pulled into the carpark, no sign of the first group, so it was assumed that they had picked Richard up and were ahead of us.

We left the pub and heading past the Adrian Flux site where we came to a halt, Ade ran back along the cars to tell us that the first group was behind us! We hadn't passed anyone so where they had gone was a mystery. Oh well we continued on, until we got to a junction with the Kings Head at North Elmham.

One of the group pulled in, which turned out to be a good thing as the first group were there ahead of us! So we all stopped and took on fluids. As usual with these stops it was almost an hour before we got moving again. There was a fuel stop at Aylsham for those who needed it, when we got there everyone took the road to the stop, I pulled into the garage and they all went by except for those who needed fuel (which I didn't). Once the cars were refuelled we left the services only for all the satnavs to get confused and sending us down different exits on the roundabouts to then turn back, eventually we followed Richard who appeared to know where he was going (actually we found out later he took a guess), we finally got to Sea Palling where the parking was well....

The car park which had looked huge when planning the route was just a field with cars parked at random and in places the grass was tall enough to hide a Tiger or at least up to the bonnet, fortunately it wasn't that dry due to being on the coast or we could have had been a fire risk.

Eventually we all got parked and paid for the parking before heading for some lunch as it was now around 3pm - when we got to the shop there was a delay for those wanting fish in that they had to wait for some more to be cooked, I had a battered sausage instead and got it quicker - although the meat in the sausage was the palest colour I have seen, fortunately I didn't suffer any ill effects.

We then had a wander round the area, and a few had to go for a paddle in the sea, almost getting engulfed by a wave as it was high tide.

So now we get to the journey back home, checking the traffic it was discovered that the roads around Hunstanton were advised to be avoided at all costs due to the quantity of traffic. So we decided the best thing was to go directly to Burnham Deepdale and then figure out what to do next. The trip to Burnham was to be honest unremarkable with not that much traffic on the road. However to the dismay of some of the group members we were too late for fat-face as the store had closed by the time we arrived.

Another break later and we went cross country down to docking and back to Downham market, then Wisbech. Around Downham my car started playing up acting as though it was being starved of fuel, so i couldn't do more that 50 which made for a slowish trip home. Fortunately it made it back but since then the fuel pump has had to be replaced along with a few other bits

Steve Quenby's Mazda MX-5
Steve Quenby's Mazda MX-5
Picture: Giles Cooper
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Picture: Giles Cooper
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super Six
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super Six
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Finch's Tiger Super Six
Mike Finch's Tiger Super Six
Picture: Giles Cooper
Simon Noble's Tiger R6
Simon Noble's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Picture: Giles Cooper
Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Jim Danks' Tiger RS-6
Jim Danks' Tiger RS-6
Picture: Giles CooperGiles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dave Sneesby's Tiger R6
Dave Sneesby's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Picture: Giles Cooper
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
John Aylward's Tiger Aviator
John Aylward's Tiger Aviator
Picture: Giles Cooper
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Picture: Giles Cooper
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Someone had to go for a paddle
Someone had to go for a paddle
Picture: Giles Cooper

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Kimbolton Sporting Bears by Giles Cooper

This will be a fairly short report for the show and then onto the pictures.

Arranging Kimbolton is never that easy, and this year with the A14 improvements in full swing I didn't know how accessible the Brampton services were going to be and didn't really want to drive a 60 mile round trip to look at a petrol station! Instead I told everyone to meet at the show and follow the instructions that I had been sent - nothing can go wrong with that surely.

Well yes it did, it appears that the plans sent out did not match what the people on the ground decided to mark out on the grass. We were meant to be opposite the EAKCC on either side of an access road - nope we were down in a corner - oh well.

Most people found us although there was a lot of keeping an eye out and then intercepting the cars coming in and ensuring that our people got to the right location despite the marshalls efforts.

There isn't really much more for me to say here, so enjoy the pictures. I will put up more pictures on the website that I have space for here.

Matthew Buxton's Tiger Cat
Matthew Buxton's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Ariel Nomad
Ariel Nomad
Picture: Giles Cooper
Ultima GTR
Ultima GTR
Picture: Giles Cooper
Named Vauxhall Viva
Named Vauxhall Viva
Picture: Giles Cooper
Did they pack enough food?
Did they pack enough food?
Picture: Giles Cooper
Hustler 6
Hustler 6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tony Dawson's Triking
Tony Dawson's Triking
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tony Haggie's Morgan
Tony Haggie's Morgan
Picture: Giles Cooper
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mark Fassenfelt's Tiger R6
Mark Fassenfelt's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Finch's Tiger Super Six
Mike Finch's Tiger Super Six
Picture: Giles Cooper
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Paul Browning's Tiger R6
Paul Browning's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Robin Hood
Robin Hood
Picture: Giles Cooper
Robin Hood
Robin Hood
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mk2 Escort
Mk2 Escort
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mini Based Scamp Kit Car
Mini Based Scamp Kit Car
Picture: Giles Cooper
Cobra Replica
Cobra Replica
Picture: Giles Cooper
Picture: Giles Cooper
Audi A2 owners club (never knew they existed)
Audi A2 owners club (never knew they existed)
Picture: Giles Cooper
BMW Z3 based Ferrari Replica
BMW Z3 based Ferrari Replica
Picture: Giles Cooper
Picture: Giles Cooper
Chevrolet Corvettes
Chevrolet Corvettes
Picture: Giles Cooper
Rolls Royce
Rolls Royce
Picture: Giles Cooper
Sunbeam Talbot
Sunbeam Talbot
Picture: Giles Cooper
Ford Sierra (now a classic car)
Ford Sierra (now a classic car)
Picture: Giles Cooper
Ford 250 Pickup
Ford 250 Pickup
Picture: Giles Cooper
Picture: Giles Cooper
Chevrolet Camero Z28
Chevrolet Camero Z28
Picture: Giles Cooper

And as for these three photos - well..... I will leave it to you to come up with your captions.

Picture: Giles Cooper

Picture: Giles Cooper

Picture: Giles Cooper

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Parson Drove Car Show by Giles Cooper

This show was a bit more involved than some of the other ones that I have been to. It started on the Saturday afternoon where a group of EATOC members were asked by Tiger to help with putting the awning up on the side of the lorry. Not a problem we all agreed.

About 3 hours later having battled with large canvas sheets and strong winds - we finally got it up and assembled. There were 6 of us and the biggest problem was the wind catching the edge of the sheet and pulling it out of the guides before we had completed putting it up. We got it up just in time as on the drive home I drove through a storm (although I wasn't in the Tiger so stayed nice and dry).

The only other thing to mention is that someone put a for sale sign on a club members Tiger which got a bit of interest. (I am not naming who did what but you might guess)

The weather on the Sunday was a lot better and quite comfortable - this being a day or so before the heat wave hit. When setting up on Saturday we were told we had all the area in front of the van - on Sunday this had changed so our cars were placed to either side of the lorry, in all we had 8 EATOC members and one non-EATOC Tiger arrive.

Now this show is quite well known for some odd vehicles and this one had a couple - there was the Ford Pinto powered trike, a few vehicles with skeletons in, quite a few hot rod's and other interesting stuff. Going slightly off topic is this a new fashion to stick a skeleton in a car when at a show.

The awards for the best vehicles in show were held at the end of day for some reason that I didn't quite work out I ended up presenting the prize on behalf of Tiger for the best car in the show!

Finally at the end of the day we packed everything away and got the entire awning packed up in 30 minutes - it is amazing how much quicker it was when there was no wind!

Ford Transit MK 1
Ford Transit MK 1
Picture: Giles Cooper
Modified VW Beetle
Modified VW Beetle
Picture: Giles Cooper
Ford Pilot V8 with skeleton (Must have been a long journey)
Ford Pilot V8 with skeleton (Must have been a long journey)
Picture: Giles Cooper
Gardner Douglas T70
Gardner Douglas T70
Picture: Giles Cooper
Custom Ford
Custom Ford
Picture: Giles Cooper
1957 Chevrolet Van
1957 Chevrolet Van
Picture: Giles Cooper
Drift Car
Drift Car
Picture: Giles Cooper
Hand Painted VW Beetle
Hand Painted VW Beetle
Picture: Giles Cooper
Ford Fiesta Pickup
Ford Fiesta Pickup
Picture: Giles Cooper
In Pickups windows a message or a warning
In Pickups windows a message or a warning
Picture: Giles Cooper
Ford Escort MK2
Ford Escort MK2
Picture: Giles Cooper
Rolls Royce Hearse (another with a skeleton)
Rolls Royce Hearse (another with a skeleton)
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tiger R6
Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super Six
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super Six
Picture: Giles Cooper
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Picture: Giles Cooper
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
David Fiske's Tiger Cat
David Fiske's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Picture: Giles Cooper
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Bizarre Ford Pinto powered trike
Bizarre Ford Pinto powered trike
Picture: Giles Cooper
Winner of Best in Show
Winner of Best in Show
Picture: Giles Cooper

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Yorkshire Extravaganza by Mandy Spriggs

Firstly i must apologise for the lengthy report, but as you will know us, Tiger owners, don't do anything by halves !!!!!!!!

An email popped up in my inbox, saying all interested in Wales 2019, to let Griff know. Ady and Myself had been toying with the idea of whether to go or not, then we decided we would, as we would have missed being with the gang and generally having a laugh. So we replied yes please. Unfortunately this was not to be, due to lack of interest and the spiralling cost of the hotel the trip was not going to be feasible. Griff then contacted us, and said would we be interested in two nights in Yorkshire, we jumped at the chance. This was offered to all that had put their names down for the Wales trip. Dates were confirmed 9th and 10th August and deposits paid.

So the Friday morning we packed the Tiger in the garage, due to the weather and set off to Griff and Rachels with our waterproofs on because of the severe weather warnings forecast for Thursday night and all day Friday strong wind and heavy rain, which advised people not to travel unless, absolute necessary. Well, we thought it was necessary, as fun was awaiting to be had after all. We are only in open top cars. Ha ha.

On arrival at Griff and Rachel, Mike Ramsdale, Kev Greeves and Andy Dunn, were eager, as they were already there, So a coffee was made, whilst we waited for the others to arrive, John Gill, Dom, Dave, Steve Tuck, followed up closely by David and Lorraine, who had a last minute job completed at Tiger Racing. We were meeting up with Angus at Bickers on the, A17.

Rachel had suggested to Griff to use a buddy system, where the cars were in pairs, so we were going to give it a go on the way. This meant you only had responsibility for your buddy, ours was Angus. We left Griff's in the pairings, to meet up with ours and then headed off for the dinner stop. This was to be the other side of the Humber Bridge. We took in a fabulous route, Horncastle, Caistor Top, by Humber Airport, and over the Humber Bridge, which was slightly breezy! We all arrived in our pairs.

After dinner, we headed towards Skipton, which was where we were stopping, The Rendezvous Hotel. We decided not to put our waterproofs on , as we got hot on the way up, and no rain. Again, heading off in pairs. We left ‘ULL' as the locals do not pronounce the H. We took in some lovely scenery, going through Cottingham, Bishop Burton, Market Weighton (where, I used to live) Pocklington, Wilberfoss, before picking up the A64 at York. We headed on this to Tadcaster, which was good to see what a good job had been made of repairing the the Bridge, after the Floods. Heading off to Skipton, we stopped on the outskirts of Tadcaster to put our waterproof jacket on, as had a few spots of rain. Angus didn't need to, as he had his roof up and was fighting a throat infection. Again, taking in some lovely views, always checking that our buddy was with us, Also, taking in some lovely road names, Rupert Road, Ilkley, our Sat nav stopped us outside someones house, a strange place for coffee stop we thought. No it was a Sat Nav error and not driver error! We turned around to get back on route, to turn left onto Cocking Lane, Griff must have chosen this, for the name! We finally arrive at the hotel and found out that not everyone, had the pleasure of the single track roadway and fabulous scenery. We arrived pretty much at the same time in our pairings.

Once showered we met up in the bar, to see what everyone wanted to do for food. We found out that we could not eat in the restaurant till 9pm but we could eat in the Bar, which was serving bar meals. We all chose this option and everyone had ordered by ten to 7 (18.50). A few meals appeared in 40 minutes, Mike and Andy by then had completed their 3 courses. We called the waiter over to inquire where the others where. He re-took the orders, David and mine arrived after a good 20 minutes but nothing for Lorraine and Ady. Then the meals stopped again. Spoke to the waiter, who started to roll his eyes at us, a few more arrived but not all. Rolling his eyes is something, he soon learnt not to do to Rachel, bless her she was our spokesperson. Rachel had words with the manager who came and chatted with us all, pleasant and polite, to find out what meals were missing, these finally arrived at 9.30 pm, however Dom's meal was really tiny. We had already informed the manager, that we could not wait another 2.5 hours for a dessert and coffee, so we were crossing the road to McDonalds! He saw, the funny side, he gave a refund on a few meals and there would be a round of drinks for us all, on our return from McDonalds. I am pleased to report that Andy Dunn is no longer a McDonald virgin as he had room for a latte.

I am pleased to say that breakfast was superb, no hitches and the rooms were lovely, comfortable and overlooking the canal. Someone even got a four poster bed!

We set off at 9am, Some of us chose not to wear waterproof trousers! We set off towards Hawes for our first scheduled coffee stop, taking in some amazing scenery, if at times, blurry due to the rain and not the speed! Settle had a flowerpot festival, I enjoyed spotting the pot creations along the route. We had a photo shoot, with Ribblehead Viaduct in the background. Then back into the cars, this is where the journey got interesting. Rain was somewhat harder, (Ady & I have been on the Tidal Wave at Thorpe Park) Well at one point, we thought we were back in it. We carried on, as Tiger Owners are a hardy bunch or have lost their brains. We arrived at Hawes for refreshments, Well to say that our Chairperson was wet, was an understatement, She even asked in the shop, did they sell knickers, whether Bridget Jones or G Strings as hers were wet! And Griff was not unpacking the bag for dry knickers.

After a couple of cups of coffee, we decided to head to Scarborough. John & Gill, decided that they need more caffeine and stayed put at the coffee shop, so that John's level could be inflated. His buddy, Steve offered to stay with them but John said go with the others. In the car park, a Yorkshire ranger was chatting with Griff about the cars and where we had been and going etc, as his nephew had 1 too and would be gutted that the had missed us. The Ranger advised us to miss the Buttertub Pass, simply due to the debris left on the road after all the heavy rain/wind. So we headed off to Yorkshire Moors yet again fabulous views. It was amazing watching the storm go around us. At another photo stop Kev Greeves helped me into the heather so that I could get a good photo, however, I was off balance and face planted the heather! To much amusement of the others, Kevin did redeem himself, by getting me down safely. Next stop, Goathland, (where Heartbeat was filmed) some opted for ice creams, whilst Rachel & I went for a cream tea which was delicious others sampled this delight too.

Then onto the hotel, we stopped for petrol, others did not, so on arrival at the hotel, we found out that they did not have parking for 10 cars, which was confirmed at the time of booking. So after asking a few questions, we found a hotel close by which had secure underground car parking for £10, so Dom, Angus and Ady, took their cars there. As a gesture of goodwill, the owners put £20 behind the bar. Mike & Steve left their cars at a restaurant, where the manager let them. Steve moved his car later. 

Bags up to the room, time for a shower, not much time to enjoy the room as we were all meeting up in the bar! Evening plans were discussed and as we were beside the sea, Fish & Chips for tea, it had to be. The Bar waitress, said the best was Papa's. So we set off on foot to the front, taking the chair lift, which has been operational since 1875. We found Papa's, they made us so welcome and soon the food arrived together. I do believe, that 1 portion would have fed 2 people as I got 4 sausages and chips. On the way back, we stopped at the amusements, to play 2p's. Then Rachel, Ady myself, decided to walk back rather than take the chair lift. Soon back in the bar, for much more chatting and laughter about the days adventures. Before retiring to bed.

Breakfast was nice, Only problem, Mike's car was blocked in by a van, This was soon resolved, so we were on the road again heading home, with our buddy in tow. Had some good roads around Bridlington, Hornsea, Preston and Ull Where we crossed the Humber Bridge, Coffee Stop was at Elsham Park, just off the Bridge. Coffee and cake went down a treat. We contacted Dom as he was missing with Mike and found out that they were at the Dinner stop, which was about 25 minutes away. They had totally missed the coffee stop. None of us felt like eating a meal, plus with heavy rain forecast we decided to head back home across Caistor Top, So sorry, Dom, Dave & Mike, we never got the chance to say goodbye

The buddy system worked well, most of the time we were in convoy but now realise that, instead of trying to get all 10 cars out at a roundabout or traffic lights, you only had to worry about your buddy. And soon we were all back together again in convoy.

A massive thanks to Griff and Rachel for another great weekend.

Mandy Spriggs

Strange people in Yorkshire
Strange people in Yorkshire
Picture: Rachel Collins
Parked on a hill somewhere
Parked on a hill somewhere
Picture: Rachel Collins
Queue of Tigers
Queue of Tigers
Picture: Rachel Collins
Trying to get dry
Trying to get dry
Picture: Mandy Spriggs
Parked in Yorkshire
Parked in Yorkshire
Picture: Rachel Collins
Preparing to head off.
Preparing to head off.
Picture: Dom Eaves
The Chair lift
The Chair lift
Picture: Rachel Collins
Mandy likes Heather...
Mandy likes Heather...
Picture: Rachel Collins

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Little Gransden Air Show by Giles Cooper

Last year as those who attended know the Little Gransden Air Show was a complete washout - due to this and other reasons we didn't have any interest in forming a stand this year.

However speaking to Richard Gaze at the pub meeting a few days previous to the event and with the weather looking good I went and bought a public entry ticket - I knew it was too late to get a car club space and planned to take the BMW rather than the Tiger as I would be parked in the public car park. However fate (a burst radiator hose) intervened and I ended up driving the Tiger to the event.

Well the weather was about as different as it could be, hot (~30C), dry, and with completely clear blue skies it was perfect air show weather. The quality of the displays seemed to have gone up, this year featuring the “Tigers” army parachute display team, the Turb team doing some impressive stunt flying (replacing the Flying Circus from previous years) and quite a few of the regular events (such as the Global Stars etc) that are well known at the show.

It just goes to show what a difference the right weather makes to an event, as unlike last year it was a great show to attend - maybe next year we will get a club stand?

Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Picture: Giles Cooper
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Modified Honda Civic Type-R
Modified Honda Civic Type-R
Picture: Giles Cooper
Rare MG SV-8
Rare MG SV-8
Picture: Giles Cooper
ISO Grifo
ISO Grifo
Picture: Giles Cooper
Lotus Elise Mk2
Lotus Elise Mk2
Picture: Giles Cooper
The Red Sparrows
The Red Sparrows
Picture: Giles Cooper
Pitts Special inverted
Pitts Special inverted
Picture: Giles Cooper
Pitts Special
Pitts Special
Picture: Giles Cooper
Hawker Sea Fury
Hawker Sea Fury
Picture: Giles Cooper
Army Parachute Display Team
Army Parachute Display Team
Picture: Giles Cooper
Pair of Boeing Stearmans
Pair of Boeing Stearmans
Picture: Giles Cooper

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EATOC Derbyshire Run XI by Giles Cooper

Well this was a strange run, nobody broke down or bumped and the weather was perfect. Well that is the headlines out of the way but I suppose we need a bit more content to make it an article...

We started off by meeting up at the services at Oakham as we have in previous years. This is nice and convenient as there is a large carpark, and a fuel stop in the same place. I was the second to arrive after John Aylward and over the next 30 minutes or so we had a lot more cars arrive.

We managed to leave the services about 10:10 which isn’t bad considering that we planned on 10:00, with 15 cars we split into two groups to make it easier to not lose anyone. From there it was a fairly easy run to the Derby services which was the official start point.

Everybody arrived at the Derby services in much the same order as we had left!

At Derby we picked up a few more cars another club member and two interlopers (Trevor Harmer, and AJ Walker).

It was decided that as we now had 18 cars we would split again into two groups, I would lead the first group of 9 and Griff would follow with the second group a few minutes later. I mentioned to those that were with me that I would be using a fuel station about a mile from the lunch stop to refuel and they could either wait for me or drive on.

The first section of the route was a bit of a drag as we needed to get out of Derby and into the country roads, no matter it only took us about 20 minutes and we were in open countryside.

The scenery was fantastic, and the roads equally so, the only problem was that the fine weather had brought out a lot of cyclists. Now as a cyclist myself I have no prejudice about this but you had to slow down as when they were trying to get up some fairly steep hills we were behind them and I couldn’t see to overtake!

Now as we got to towards the lunch stop, I saw the petrol station and pulled in, two of the cars (Dave Sams and AJ Walker) pulled in behind me. I filled up and went to pay - when I came out they had gone so I assumed they would be at the lunch stop and drove on.

I got to the lunch stop to find that we were missing a load of cars - for some reason they had driven straight past the pub, so a lot of calls later and they all made it back. I’m not sure how they did this as the pub sits on a crossroads with traffic lights!

Eventually everybody was found and we all sat down to lunch. After lunch we all set off on the second leg of the run.

Now there was meant to be a mid afternoon stop - but I will admit I missed it so we kept on going all the way back to the services and the end of the route. The only mishap I was aware of was one of the last roundabouts in Derby where I had no choice but to continue without the rest as I had mistimed a junction.

Everybody made it back to the services and after a refreshment break we all headed home.

There is one last thing to mention, whilst going round Rutland water I told my satnav to take me home on the fastest route - it did so and took me through the centre of Stamford. Not a problem as I knew exactly where I was and the route put me towards Barnack and then Werrington. In Stamford I noticed Peter Hinton still behind me and thought he was following me. Fortunately he didn’t take the Barnack turning or he could have followed me all the way home.

Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat E!
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat E!
Picture: Giles Cooper
Tony Haggie's Morgan 4/4
Tony Haggie's Morgan 4/4
Picture: Giles Cooper
Paul Ashby's Mazda MX-5
Paul Ashby's Mazda MX-5
Picture: Giles Cooper
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Picture: Giles Cooper
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Picture: Giles Cooper
Adrian Spiggs' Tiger Super 6
Adrian Spiggs' Tiger Super 6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Neil Whitehead's Tiger Cub
Neil Whitehead's Tiger Cub
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dave Sams' Tiger R6
Dave Sams' Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Picture: Giles Cooper
Parked at the Travellers' Rest
Parked at the Travellers' Rest
Picture: Giles Cooper
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Steve Quenby's Mazda MX-5
Steve Quenby's Mazda MX-5
Picture: Giles Cooper
Trevor Harmer's Tiger Super 6
Trevor Harmer's Tiger Super 6
Picture: Giles Cooper
John Aylward's Tiger Aviator
John Aylward's Tiger Aviator
Picture: Giles Cooper
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Parked up for lunch
Parked up for lunch
Picture: Giles Cooper
Justin Garland's Tiger Car
Justin Garland's Tiger Car
Picture: Giles Cooper
AJ Walker's Tiger R6
AJ Walker's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper

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EATOC Rutland Ramble by Giles Cooper

There should be a report for the last trip of the year here, however I didn’t write one at the time (something to do with Thomas Cook collapse distracted me) and it doesn’t appear that anyone else did. There were 24 cars on this event but that is all I can recall - sorry.

Derek Oakes' Sylva Mojo
Derek Oakes' Sylva Mojo
Picture: Giles Cooper
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Allan Griffin's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Giles Cooper's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper
Jim Danks' Tiger ZR6
Jim Danks' Tiger ZR6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super 6
Adrian Spriggs' Tiger Super 6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Mike Ramsdale's Locost
Picture: Giles Cooper
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Angus Grooby's Marlin
Picture: Giles Cooper
Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Andy Dunn's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dom Eaves Westfield
Dom Eaves Westfield
Picture: Giles Cooper
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Kevin Greeves' MK Indy
Picture: Giles Cooper
Martin Baker's Tiger Avon
Martin Baker's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dave Thomas' Tiger R10
Dave Thomas' Tiger R10
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mike Finch's Tiger Super 6
Mike Finch's Tiger Super 6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dave Sams' Tiger R10
Dave Sams' Tiger R10
Picture: Giles Cooper
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Frank Thurston's Tiger SSI
Picture: Giles Cooper
Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Jeremy Knight's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Mark Jones' Tiger Avon
Mark Jones' Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Dave Sneesby's Tiger R6
Dave Sneesby's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Peter Hinton's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Steve Newman's Tiger R6
Steve Newman's Tiger R6
Picture: Giles Cooper
John Aylward's Tiger Aviator
John Aylward's Tiger Aviator
Picture: Giles Cooper
Neil Whitehead's Tiger Cub
Neil Whitehead's Tiger Cub
Picture: Giles Cooper
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Richard Gaze's Tiger Avon
Picture: Giles Cooper
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Steve Tuck's Tiger Cat
Picture: Giles Cooper

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